Individuals with disabilities are defined as persons who have a physical, mental, or developmental impairment that substantially limits one or more of their major life activities. It is the right of any test-taker to be accommodated appropriately in order to minimize the effect of the disability on test performance.
Information about disabilities is confidential and information regarding accommodated exams does NOT appear on score reports.
Accommodated Exams
Candidates who require an accommodated test due to a disability, injury, or illness must provide medical documentation to be properly accommodated. Documentation from a licensed or certified professional must be submitted with the application form. Qualified professionals include physicians, school psychologists, psychometricians, and psychiatrists. Documentation must:
Clearly identify the disability (e.g. hearing impairment)
Include test results that demonstrate the extent of the disability (e.g. audiology report)​
Provide recommendations regarding what accommodations would be most helpful (e.g. a quiet room, headphones, etc.)
​In some cases, candidates may require an accommodation that is not related to a disability. For example, people who are pregnant may ask to be seated closer to washrooms, and people who wear face veils (e.g. niqab) may wish to have their pictures taken privately on test day.​
Please let us know if you have any type of accommodation request well in advance of your test date.
If you are applying for IELTS, you must choose “yes” when asked, “Do you need any special arrangements on the test date?”
We do not provide childcare and children are not permitted in the examination rooms.